2. 大猫——Feline/fee-leen noun (adj) Feline means “relating to cats or their habits and behavior. ”
3. 流浪猫——Stray cat noun adj
4. 野猫——Wild kitten, wild feline
5. 宠物猫——The house pets are also called domestic cats in the U.S.; household cats in Britain.
6. 公猫——Male feline
7. 母猫——Female feline
8. 绝育手术——Spay operation on female cats and neuter operation on male cats. This is an alternative way of describing a surgical procedure when spaying, castrating for females and neutering males. Or you can use sterilization surgery as well.
9. 疫苗——Vaccine n. Vets use vaccines to immunize animals against diseases that they could catch if exposed to certain strains of bacteria or virus. Vaccination is particularly important with young children who may not be able to get sick from the same infections but would be protected by immunity developed through vaccinations.